Thursday, 10 April 2008

Olympic Torch Relay

Having seen most pictures in BBC record protesters and demonstrations. I took several pictures when I saw students, coming far, to support the relay. In the pictures, they were preparing flags before the torch passed. There is one lion ( it seems Tibet style Lion) in one picture. I could not tell it represented Pro-Tibet or not, because they played the lion well and seemed happy to me.

Although the voice of cheers and welcome overwhelmed the cracking sound from protesters, it still confused outsiders, those local people, and, inevitably, damaged the image. Thinking of those countless corruptions and those greedy officials, who can say that some people did not use this occasion as an outlet to give out their impressed anger and hatred, after all?

I am so surprised to see a lot of protesters are not Tibetans, but are those westerners with big noses and blue eyes. Strange!

1 comment:

飞翔的鱼 said...

r u a chinese?
还有那个Please see here的链接好像有问题,估计属于网页病毒之类的!

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