Saturday, 7 June 2008

Why Hillary failed?

I am the supporter of Hillary, not only because she is a woman and a strong woman, but also for a personal reason. I talked about her with a New Yorker. No doubt, she is for her. And now she is addicted to her shows. At that time, her winning chance is already very slim but this friend told me that she still had much hope because she thought, in the democratic party, at the end, they might do some black-box operations to make Hillary to be the candidate.

Such old but not good political term, in such highly advanced society, is still believed by many people. When everyone hates the dark side of the politics, can we hope the one voted by those who believe in these dark sides, to fight against it; or can we hope the one, won by taking advantage of these dark sides, is willing to overhaul them? That might explain how Obama got that magic power to win the young people's hearts in one night, just by declaring changes.

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