Sunday, 28 June 2020

My girl's home work

Ten commandments (Y3 home work)
1. Give to charity
2. You should not mistreat your parents
3. You should be kind and faithful
4. Never steal
5. Never lie
6. Every time you nee more reassurance than ever, worship God
7. You should not define people by their appearances
8. Treat others like you want to be treated
9. Treat others like they are you - by mistreating someone else, you mistreat yourself.
10. Change what you can change, accept what you cannot change

Saturday, 27 June 2020

My girl's reading diary

What kind of character do you think toad is? Do you like being friend with toad?
------ Wind in the willows

Toad was a good boy but very naive. Toad will never be my friend because he is rude, mean and naive.

Do you think borrowers borrow or steal?    
------ Borrowers

Do you think it is alright for George to cry?
------ Famous five ---  Five on a treasure island

I think George should not feel bad about crying because it is OK if boys cry.

George liked her cousins because she felt they were easy to understand and everyone liked them. What good qualities do you think you should have?

Calm, neutral and intelligent. (Calm because I'm hot headed.)

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Four days back to school after lockdown

Back to school for four days after three months of being away, and then back to home schooling from tomorrow.

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