Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Frailty, thy name is woman!

Thursday, 8 October 2009


Butter, sugar, flour, eggs, and love ------ all made my lovely madeleins.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Canoe train

Boating is easy! At least no traffic jam! Not have to worry too much about parking. It is like swimming, as far as you are like fish! And when one is linked to another, it will move forward itself? Would you believe it?

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Eyesight Tests

How many heads are in the picture?

(Taken in Shao Lin Temple, DengFeng)

Where is the canal in Vaux Le Vicomte?

(Taken in Seine et Marne)

How many bubbles there?

(Taken......, well guess?)

Well, the reason I did not talk about my job hunting these days, is to avoid mental torture for the second times by trying to remember those overnight assessments, marathon style presentations and weird questions.
The most weird one: "if one of your hands is cut off, with what would you like to replace it?"

三宝殿 (Three main palaces)

One very old Chinese saying "无事不登三宝殿“ says that ”someone will not visit the three palaces until he asks for help". In the April, I happened to visit all of them. One is in the forbidden city in Beijing, called "Tai He Palace" representing peace and harmony. "Da Cheng Palace" is in Confucius Temple in Shandong province, to commemorate his success. At the foot of Tai Mountain, there is the third one "Tian Kuang Palace" in Dai Temple, representing being blessed.

天贶殿 (Tian Kuang Palace)

太和殿 (Tai He Palace)

大成殿 (Da Cheng Palace)

Saturday, 16 May 2009

Geek's level

Note: The left column lists a number of Chinese (traditional Chinese) characters, and the right column is Geek's understanding of these characters.

Thursday, 2 April 2009


I am really sorry if you have ever felt that I did not write much these days. Did not produce much, but was really busy, Might due to my poor time management. By the way, I am feeling that now my job hunting is getting into a marathon process. I am stuck!

Just for fun

Is it for Fool's day or for G20? Protesters liked to welcome G20 leaders in this special way.

Saturday, 7 March 2009



Unfortunately due to the current climate, we will no longer be looking for the required numbers for the IT Programme that we initially anticipated. Therefore we will not be making any further offers for our intake in September and the assessment centres on 11th and 18th March will now be cancelled.

I would like to apologies for any inconvenience this has caused and thank you for your time and interest in AXA.

Kind Regards,

Saturday, 21 February 2009


What is the chance of two nuclear submarines meeting at the same time, at the same point, in the vast Atlantic Ocean? However, this happened to France and Britain.

(More about the news: Nuclear subs collide in Atlantic)

Slumdog Millionaire

This movies reminded me of an ancient Chinese saying: 人之初,性本善。

Translation: Men at their birth, are naturally good.

(very sorry for the very late post. Hope it is still available in cinemas.)

Monday, 2 February 2009

Beautiful Snow

Heaviest snow in 18 years in UK! Today the whole London was so silent and the air smelled so fresh thanks to those missing buses and trains!

Saturday, 17 January 2009

New Year Art show at Versailles

Would you believe that this cute balloon dog is made of stainless steel? I was speechless in front of Jeff Koon's art show at Castle Versailles.

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