Tuesday, 23 September 2008

My research

In academic words:
Requirements stage is the front-end stage in the development of a project. Requirements describe what stakeholders want a system to behave and function. When a number of stakeholders get involved in a project, requirements negotiation is proposed as a stage to resolve conflicts among requirements in requirements engineering. My research applies the rationale into requirements negotiation and intends to improve the efficiency of requirements negotiation. This aim is achieved by developing the theory and a methodology with four years' effort.

In layman's words:
Before we build anything, we should have an idea of what it should be like firstly. When more than one people want to build one same thing, they like to argue with each other and convince others of their own needs. Always arguing has the tendency of being violent and barbarian and it is not good; the peace should be sought after, but how? My research is all about bringing the peace and the civilisation to the involved people. To realise this glory aim, I worked step by step, year by year. Finally I made the way.

Saturday, 13 September 2008

My Viva is coming

Well, I planned to write what my research is about long time ago and I am about to write it this time, but, but, last night the movie "Man on wire" changed my mind completely! Naked bodies, illegal scenes, and still many people crowded to watch it! What a world!
Highlights in the movie:
1) a young man walked on the wire, alone, without protection, from as high as 400 meters above the ground on the year of 1974.
2) a young man created his beautiful dream from nothing.
3) Quote "illegal but neither wicked nor mean", are you sure that it is funny?

Next week I've got to write about my research, because I want to do that! Surely it is predictable that it will be a boring post. :P

Thursday, 11 September 2008

The residue of the War

Looking at the nice beach and sailing boats in the first picture, could you believe that, 50 years ago, it was once soldiers' bodies everywhere on the D-Day.
The second picture was taken at the second world war museum in Normandy. It shows the death toll during the war, which can only tell that the war must not come back.
(These two pictures were taken during my holiday in the August.)

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