Sunday, 30 September 2007

Gone with the summer

The summer has not come yet, but it is already gone;
I have not been fed up with my new sandals, but it is already not suitable for the season.

Friday, 21 September 2007

Could this be made up for by only an apology?

Mattel sorry for 'design flaws'

"Mattel has admitted that most of the toys recalled in recent safety scares had "design flaws" and that Chinese manufacturers were not to blame".------ BBC

But the reputaion of Chinese products is already damaged and one boss of one Chinese toy factory suicided because of the huge pressure put on him in this crisis.

Saturday, 15 September 2007

The meaning of marriage

1.To share happiness and sadness

2.To complete the meaning of one's life

3.To have children

Whatever, it is a milestone.
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