Saturday, 28 July 2007

My conquest achieved continued)

This is the continuation of my previous blog: Milk Powder.

After I waited for several months since the April I sent out my claim form for the compensation of my damaged parcel: milk powder, at the time I almost forgot it, suddenly, one day, I remembered that I have not got my compensation back! One voice told me that I should do something!

So I picked up the phone and called ParcelForce. Here is the conversation:

Person A: Hello, how can I help you.

Me: Hello. I sent my claims form several months ago, but so far I have not got any response. Could you let me know the progress?

Person A: OK. Let me have a look. (after one minute) Well, our oversea partner is doing the investigation on the receiver side.

Me (astonished): Still? Last time, in May, I called you and someone told me they were doing the investigation. After almost four months, you have not finished it yet? (angry)

Person A: well......

Me( realizing that the other side want to find an excuse, so very angry): I have sent my claim four months ago. The damaged parcel is milk powder to a baby, as my gift.

Person A: Oh, one more thing, the sender has not sent the confirmation form back......

Me( frustrated with her another excuse): another form? This is my gift. If you need more forms, could you pass the form through me to the sender? This is my gift to a baby! Because it got damaged, I felt very bad for it. Now I am fine with anything I have to do to be cooperative, but why this claim process has to involve the sender side? This can only make both side feel worse.

Person A (feeling sympathetic): I understood, I understood. But we need that form.

Me: OK, this way, is that possible for you to send that form again, because I am afraid the sender might have not kept it now.

Person A: Wait a minute, I will forward you to another person.

Me( surprised): OK.

Person B: Hello.

Me: explaining the situation again.

Person B: I am reading your documents. Did you send us the receipt of goods?

Me: I sent it.

Person B: It is a copy. We want original ones.

Me (knowing the other side looking for excuses): I sent original ones. I am keeping every document at my hand now. Which one you want?

Person B: Wait a minute, right, I saw it. Your documents are complete.

Person B: Where did you post your parcel? Did you post it at Amazon?

Me ( desperate and furious): No, I sent it at the post office. I packed it very well. Ten boxes, most are damaged! Because they are for baby and it is food, it is not usable at all. All are wasted!

Person B: Could I forward you to another person?

Me ( turned my rage to the firm resolution: fight till the end!)

Person C: Hello.

Me: Explained my situation again, patiently but firmly, to convince her that this compensation is more than money to me, but a proof to my lovely little cousin that his aunt did prepare a nice gift for him.

Person C: OK, I understand. We are sorry for the trouble caused on you by our service. We will refund you with a check. You should receive it in a week.

Me ( Shocked with this sudden turn): OK...... Thank you......

Me: Victorious cheers! ( not on the phone!)

Lesson learned: If you think the truth is in you hand, you should fight till the end!

Sunday, 22 July 2007

Le Tour De France ----- Team Work

It is the biggest cycling event in the world, lasting for three weeks, sponsored by France, and is attended by cyclists worldwide. This year Le Tour De France started in London, more specifically, Tower Bridge. I was not that interested in it at the beginning, because, although cycling is more and more often recommended by gym coaches to keep fit or by the government to keep green, still, in my eyes, it is neither a sports as complicated as swimming having many postures , and nor something as speedy as Formula one. Every cyclist keeps one position all the time, and admittedly, it is lack of visual attractiveness. When I almost shrugged this event off, what one fan of Le Tour De France told me hold my interest back. This seemingly individual event is actually an utterly team effort. This team is not that team including coaches, bicycle sponsors….., but each team of cyclists in a match. I was confused: is not it the award only going to individuals? Why do they attend in a team?

The reason is found out from the theory of cycling. Because of the theory about speed and “resistance” caused by cyclists’ moving in the air, when an individual cycles alone with great speed, it receives more “resistance” than when cycling with others together. When a group of people cycle together, the one who is in the front spends much more effort than the one following behind, to keep the same speed. Therefore, it is very important for cyclists to stay at a good position in the competition. In a cycling competition, the one who is ahead is very often not the one who wins at last.

In the Le Tour De France, cyclists compete individually but compete in a team. In each team, there is the best one who is most competent to win. The other cyclists know they have little chance to win, but they can cycle around the best cyclist to protect the best one from exhausting energy too early. That is why we will often see, in a team, cyclists often exchange their positions between the front and the back but the one in the centre does not change often. By applying this team strategy, the best cyclist is well protected from unfair positions in a competition to get that tempting yellow jersy, eg. the front, while the runner-ups, like those who know they are not competent enough to win, still have the chance to earn their proportions of the pot.

Thursday, 19 July 2007

Is my hair straight?

I went to an Asian haircutter:

Haircutter: your hair is a bit curly.

Me: Oh……

I went to a Western haircutter:

Haircutter: did you straighten your hair?

Me (confused): no, never. Why?

Haircutter: you hair is straight enough.

Me: Oh……

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